The Positives and Negatives of Online Banner Printing
When the internet "began" to be commercialized in the mid 1990s, online purchasing, including the purchasing of banner printing online, gained unbelievable strength in the past couple of decades. So much strength that many firms have exploded or gone down in flames - or both - in without a doubt the most outstanding advance in consumer purchasing since the arrival of radio and television marketing. Online Banner Printing Industry In my industry, online banner printing actually became popular around 2005, and a few companies were responsible for the subsequent pricing declines that still exist in the online banner market now. But are consumers lives improved by having gotten much lower pricing? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Here is an example. On July 19, 2011, Borders Bookstores made an announcement that they were closing almost all the Borders stores due to the fact that too many customers entered Borders, perused books, went home, and bought them online at cheaper at or...